Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Cake is a Lie!

Hey everyone, I know it's been a long time! I've baked quite a bit since you last heard from me, so be ready for some yummy posts!
The first item on the menu is a cake I made for my boyfriend Broc's 21st birthday. Now, something you may not know about Broc and I....we're kind of nerds. And by kind of I mean (among many other reasons) he spends most of his free time playing video games, and to be honest, I would probably join him more often if I could.
One of our favorite video games is Portal. It's this really innovative puzzle game that requires a PORTAL GUN to solve the puzzles. NEED I say more? Anyway, anyone familiar with the game knows that the cake is a lie. It is. And actually I'm not sure why, so if you're not familiar with the game...sorry, I can't help you out on that one. Talk about the blind leading the blind. So when the time came for me to decide what deliciousness to make for Broc's birthday, the end scene of the Portal game came to mind:

Yes, a simple chocolate cake surrounded by companion cubes. AND I had just received my Think Geek catalog, which gave me the perfect idea!! So, on the day of his birthday, I went over to his house, and set up his cake on the table. And this is what he came downstairs to:

Complete with his own companion cube pillow! Can you say major girlfriend points? I know, I'm so modest. But seriously, not only was this one of the simplest cakes I've ever done, but along with the companion cube, one of my favorite "themed" cakes!

The only problem is...How do I top this THIS year? No pressure...

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